
Orchid Care Tips

How To Know When an Orchid Needs Repotting

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Repotting orchids is essential to their continued good health and growth. If an orchid remains in the same medium for a very long time the plant will decline. Over time orchid medium decays and compacts and smothers the roots. The amount of time between repotting varies with the type of orchid, and the type of medium. In general, an orchid should be repotted regularly. Paphiopediums and Phalaenopsis benefit from more frequent repotting. A coconut husk mix will last longer than a fir mix and sphagnum moss falls somewhere in the middle.

The following considerations apply to choosing when to repot an orchid.

We offer some basic guidelines on when each type of orchid should most likely require repotting in our repotting times. It is common for orchids to occasionally bloom off cycle and not follow the Orchid Care by Season. When this happens we follow the plant's lead on when to repot.

"Helping Bloom Happy Orchids One Pot At A Time For Over 25 Years"