Phalaenopsis DB's Harley
Phalaenopsis DB's Harley
Orchid Care

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Natural Insect Spray - GET OFF ME! Bug Spray for Orchids

GET OFF ME! Natural Orchid Bug SprayGET OFF ME! Natural Orchid Bug Spray from rePotme Orchid Supplies is used to control common insect pests on orchids while also protecting the plant from fungus and bacterial problems. GET OFF ME! spray is a natural water based cinnamon herbal infusion with a few drops of baby shampoo as a surfactant. It can be used indoors or outdoors and is a safe alternative to other bug sprays which may contain harmful chemicals. Included in the starter kit is a unique tear drop shaped empty spray bottle with a 6" cinnamon stick included, and a separate quart bottle of GET OFF ME! liquid. The cinnamon stick will continue to infuse the contents with all the goodness that cinnamon has to offer; insect control and fungicidal properties. For extra power against bugs, add Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol to your GET OFF ME! in a 50/50 mixture in your spray bottle and the cinnamon stick will infuse the alcohol as well.

Available in Pint, Quart and Gallon size containers, each one comes with child protective cap. The beauty of this insect spray is that there are no poisons, just a water and cinnamon infusion and a couple of drops of tear free baby shampoo. The air is freshened, while the bugs are sent packing.

We recommend buying the Starter Kit which comes with the Quart of FEED ME!, the spray bottle with adjustable spray head and the cinnamon stick included in the spray bottle. Refill bottles are available in Pints, Quarts and Gallons and each comes with fresh cinnamon sticks in relation to the refill size ordered (1 for Pint, 2 for Quart and 4 for Gallon).

GET OFF ME! is now available in special discounted Combo Packs with our famous FEED ME! MSU Orchid Fertilizer and our extraordinary line of Selected Blend Mixes and our offering of 44 different media.

"Helping Bloom Happy Orchids One Pot At A Time For Over 25 Years"